Tag Archives: Career

Busy, Busy, Busy

5 Dec

I love writing.

I love word-vomiting on the internet.

I love researching, talking about and writing about Public Relations work and I can’t wait to get into that field and actively start to work at it, be it corporate, publicity, lobbying…any of it. It’s all exciting. It’s all interactive. It’s a job of endless learning, meeting, growing…and that’s why I’m so excited about it. Working in PR seems like it’ll be a chance to constantly expand and reach out.

As of right now, one of my two roommates continually snaps and lashes out at me for no particular reason, my best friend asked me to help plan her wedding, I’m stuck in too many classes and labs, and I’m working waiting tables almost every night so I can manage to make rent and bills work without running myself dry. I run on about 4 hours of sleep a night to keep my grades where I want them. I think if if you could look into my veins, you’d see coffee and all kinds of teas where there should be blood. Sleep deprivation has made my eyes look like I’m both hungover and stoned almost 24/7 if I don’t remember to put drops in them every morning.

But I wouldn’t trade this for the world. Finally reaching living-situation independence while learning copious amounts of incredibly beneficial information about my future career is thrilling. One of my roommates is my best friend in the world, I have a loving and supportive family who I get to talk to almost every day, and I’ve met a wonderful guy who I’m really enjoying getting to know.

I know the future will get better and pursuing my career will get easier and more fun.

I can’t wait for that to happen.

But right now…doing as much as I can just to live comfortably is taking precedence.

Public Relations in Real Life

13 Nov

I’m still figuring out exactly what that is. This is what I’ve got so far: 

  • Branding
  • Marketing
  • Crisis Management
  • Publicity
  • Management
  • Keeping everything cool and calm
  • Hyping people up
  • It’s keeping it classy, being a lady or a gentleman and having everyone else think that’s just the way it is
  • It’s designing the media to reflect culture (or is it the other way around?)

Generally….it’s fantastic. It’s being both a professional optimist and a professional realist. It’s knowing exactly who you are and what you’re capable of. It’s getting people to the right place at the right time and having it all seem like happy coincidence. 

I’m looking forward to being a fairy godmother for a living. Who doesn’t want a career where they keep people happy and informed? Yes…I’d like one of those, please.
