Tag Archives: swimming

Pools and Chupacabras

9 Aug

At exactly 11p.m., my roommate asked me to join her for a swim. 

Now, the apartment complex pool isn’t exactly what you’d call ideal for a late night dip, but it wasn’t all bad. The subsurface lighting set the water in a pretty blue/green glow that automatically created a safer-feeling space in the courtyard shared by three buildings. The pool entrance gate faced the front door the complex. No other lights were on in surrounding apartments. 

Naturally, I agreed to join her. 

We changed out of our clothes and sprinted downstairs (I lost half a toenail on that pesky last step, edged with metal). The water was a bit chilly for my taste, but it suited the evening air just fine. 

Then she told me her story. 

One night, when driving home down a long dirt road in east Texas, she saw two dark figures in the lane ahead. Dogs, she assumed. She slowed her car and flicked on the brights. The animal in the road rose up and began to slump away with a strange, lopsided stride. Injured. It was black and white, like a sort of canine, but it lacked any snout and she couldn’t see its eyes, even centered in the glare of her headlights. 

Unable to discern what exactly it was, goosebumps pimpled her arms. A panic rose in her stomach. Jumpy and flustered, ready to be home and out of the abnormality of it all, she drummed her fingers on the steering wheel. 

Suddenly, a second creature began to cross the road in front of her. It had the exact same build as the first animal, and oddly, the same gait. The creatures had shorter legs in front than in back and walked slowly. Neither seemed to notice her vehicle. The two continued on their way, picking up pace gradually, then scampering into the darkened side of the road. 

She sped off around them, contemplating turning around for a second look, then quickly deciding against it. 

Naturally, we agreed that she must have seen chupacabras. We shared a shudder in the pool over her story, both a little disturbed by her retelling. Then, right on cue, Chubs the Community Cat ran out from behind a tree, meowing and sprinting for us. The poor fluff ball. Starved for attention.

And if that weren’t enough, as soon as we adjusted to the cat’s presence, it stared off into the distance. A large man appeared out of nowhere, standing by the gate. We stared right back. 

Finally, he called out. “Y’all got any I.D.s?” 

We pointed at our apartment. He nodded back and said “Okay, I don’t really care. Just have ’em next time, ladies.” 

On that too-startling note, we clamored out of the pool and ran back upstairs to our home. 


Not so eventful after all. But hey, who doesn’t enjoy a good shake-up in the dark?


Have any of you had any creepy run-ins with strange creatures at night? And no, I don’t mean your drunken ex. 

Feel free to leave your story in the comments or email collegeinreallife@gmail.com and I’ll put your story up here.